
I'm Khubaib .

a CS student.

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I am a Student at Integral University. I 💖 Computers and Coding and that's the reason I'm pursuing BTECH from Computer Science engineering.
My Study focusses on objects on making the code efficient and web development for making our University better and fluent.

My Skills.


Design and Development

Being interested in web pages and its designs, I started learning web development in 2020. Initially, by learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript till 2022, I started to pick up some frameworks like React.Js, Angular, etcetera. Now, I'm focussing on getting more tougher in front end development.


C++ Programming

After learning C programming language, I started C++ programming language, as it has concepts like Object Orientation, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, etcetera. It helps me to caught up on Data Structures and Algorithms, which inturn help me placed in Product-based company. (Inshaallah ✨)



My Real Passion, photography interests me alot in getting me refreshed all day. Nature, Minimalism are most favourite genres of my photography!

Get In Touch

I'm not available all the time, but in emerge times you can contact me at Phone.

But always available for photography, I bet you'll find me the best photographer ever 😁. Or you can just call me to recognize my web page. Thank You!


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copyright © 2022 Khubaib Ahmad.